ARIES –  Both life partner and business partners are quite happy with you. Work is also showing some signs of improvement. But your relationship with your father could keep fluctuating for the next couple of months. His health could also be of concern. Try and avoid planning any long distance journeys for the next three months, unless necessary.

TAURUS –  Bulls need to avoid confrontations and anger flare-ups with others. Keep cool and don’t be too stubborn with things or you risk losing your peace of mind and damaging relationships during the next couple of weeks. Just concentrate on improving your professional and financial matters and health. You are likely to achieve something good.

GEMINI – Things are looking positive for those who are appearing for any examinations or interviews. Health is also going to get better from now on. You are feeling very romantic too. Winds of changes concerning your work / business are likely to be flowing your way during the next few months. Be prepared. Be patient with your life partner/ business partners.

CANCER – Mentally you are stronger and more peaceful than ever. To your utter delight, certain positive developments are about to happen now with your work/business. However, family relationships are going to enter the unfriendly zone by the middle of this week for the next four weeks. Be at your diplomatic best with others, especially your father and your boss.

LEO – Many of you are likely to be traveling long distance for some reason or the other (either business or spiritual). Students engaged in higher studies can look forward to a rewarding time. You are feeling entrepreneurial. Try to implement those business ideas you had in mind.

VIRGO – The good trend continues. Work, family and relationships – everything is improving. Many of you may land good job opportunities and be appreciated at your workplace. And for many others – wedding bells are going to ring.

LIBRA – Continue to enjoy this fine Venusian phase but keep a tab on your health and finances for the next 3 months or so. Nothing too alarming, but you might need to tighten your strings. At the same time,  there could also be unusual developments presenting opportunities for new sources of income. However the picture remains hazy for now.

SCORPIO –  Some travel is on the cards soon for many of you. Financially, you are in gainful space, so no complaints there. If you are looking to buy or sell a property, the time is coming up soon after a couple of weeks. Your career and status is going to get a boost soon. Continue to make hay while the Sun is shining!

SAGITTARIUS – New and sudden opportunities continue to come your way. Look out for entrepreneurial opportunities at your workplace or business. Some additional income through friends and associates is also likely. You could feel like taking risks with your ventures. Work is consuming you completely.

CAPRICORN – Those who are travelling to or staying in foreign lands may find certain challenges coming up soon for them. Nevertheless, the professional front is looking extremely favourable for you and you can expect to reap rewards in the coming weeks.

AQUARIUS – Long distance journeys (especially spiritual ones) are going to be very fruitful. Expect to get some gains from your partner during the next few weeks. Family, wealth and finances are going to remain hot topics for you for quite some time now due to some unexpected developments.

PISCES –  The gainful phase continues for you. Expect new business opportunities and inflows in the next two weeks. Foreign collaborations and proposals are going to be your focus in the time to come. Manage conflicts with patience. Take a health check. The next year and a half can give intermittent health issues.